Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Loreen Miller Ride

What is it about this ride? It either has to be hotter than hell or underwater. But hey, good cause, good ride, good food and great volunteers, so I'll keep coming back and one of these years . . .

Ran into a few of my SRV homies at the start. Last I saw of them.

Patty and I rode the 50 mile route together this year. This was her first-ever 50 mile ride, and because that just wasn't quite enough of a challenge, she decided to go clipless for the first time.

Despite the weather and those damn pedals (yes, she performed the requisite stop and tip-over, which can't be done gracefully), she persevered. I'm proud of her! I think she's had enough of the cycling widow gig and is going with the "if you can't fight 'em, join 'em" strategy at this point. I'm likin' that.

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