Wednesday, December 3, 2008

All Ya Gotta Do Is Ride, Jacque, Ride

Eric Clapton's words, not mine. Or something to that effect.

Jacque says she's pumped about going fixed this winter. Music to my ears - I'm all about providing some gear to make it happen.

My first pair of Nokian studs that I bought in 2001, after moving from Seattle back to this winter wasteland.

The right lube for this particular job, I think. Zero maintenance - put it on, let it collect garbage and repel water like there's no tomorrow, and replace the chain next spring. Oh yeah, and keep your pants away from it.

This is the stickiest, weirdest chain lube ever. Click the pic and check out the spider webs.

I sacrificed my most prized acrylic platforms for this project.

In the process of converting this lone family fixie to suit her needs over the last coupla nights, I was dealing with her Novara Buzz, so that I could get the lights to pop off one bike and onto the other. And I noticed how thrashed was the Buzz. Especially the drivetrain. Seems like yesterday that we cleaned and tuned it up. And as I was cleaning it up, I got all filled with pride and stuff, because a thrashed bike is a bike that's getting used. The only reason for a clean bike this time of year is that it's parked and collecting dust or that someone is way over-the-top anal. Jacque is neither. She rides.

Since moving from Browns Addiction back home so she can save some money for ongoing dental bills and her next career move, she's had to face additional transportation challenges. Yup, she has to borrow a car every once in a while, but she's committed to not owning one, and she's braving some nasty weather on the bike.

Great job, Jax. Go girl.

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