Friday, November 6, 2009

Coming Up For Air

I've become anti-social and downright surly. I've forgotten what sleep is. My co-workers have become accustomed to the pre-occupied zombie in the next cube. My wife just rolls her eyes when I tell her that I'm gonna head out to the shop for just a few minutes and then call it an early night. My own dog barks at me, for crying out loud.

But whatever, I'm finished:


  1. Nice work Pat! Hope you're not completely burned out now and that's just the first of many cool brazing projects to come once you recover. Are you going to get it powder coated now or just leave it au natural?

  2. Congrats Pat. Pretty curves... uh, I mean, nice rack.

  3. The PatRack looks awesome! Nice work.

    I know there's no such thing as a stupid question, right? But I have one. It looks like the top of the rack consists of five pieces. Is it possible to bend one long piece to that shape?

  4. Way to go. Now put it on your bike and start riding again! :-)

  5. Jason, this one will be get powdered.

    Thanks, John.

    Hank, it's continuous. Those things that look like joints are just sleeves. They're for keeping the panniers from sliding.

    Alan, my thoughts exactly.

  6. That's a good one, "you're finished". Wade

  7. Well done dude. I can't wait to see what's next. After some serious road testing of course.

  8. Can I compliment you on your rack without getting slapped?

    Funny header pic.

  9. My dearest S.

    I can only feel humbled. Not only have you "rackufactured" an object of adorable cuteness and perhaps utility, you have done so using only your wit, bare hands, $1,274 in tools and material, 9873 kwh, and 253 man-hours. Watch out Chinese sweatshops! America's manufacturing base is back!

    I am, however, writing you on a more serious matter: your new photo header. As you surely know, the SpoPoPaPaCaCa forbids photography of park signage by non-Christians. While your effort to keep alive the spirit (and pantaloon choices) of MC Hammer may be noble, your claims that Hammertime is/was in fact synonomous with the post-"rap"ture 1000 year reign of Christ, is, most likely, the result of imperfect christological theological speculation and the ingestation of even less perfect though inexpensive "lite" beer. So, no pix in the park, goddamit.

    I'll take two of those racks for my CaCaCycle please.

    Can't touch this,

    Mark Salotte

  10. Dear Mister Salotte,

    Like Rocky Balboa, you just keep coming back. Your fascination with 26InchSlicks notwithstanding, shouldn't you be attending to "Cuff" and "Link"?

    While I will vigorously restrain myself from admitting that I have missed you, I am willing to acknowledge that my blog benefits from your presence in much the same way that Scientology benefits from it's association with Tom Cruise and of course, Katie. Or in other words, there is no such thing as bad attention. One theory even classifies it as the best kind. Academics. Uggh. I'll stop myself just short of thanking you.

    With regards to your fixation on MC's pantalones, I was wearing patriotic and then striped woodstockish-pyschadelic bell bottoms on alternating days during most of the 70's, so I believe that dude is hereby rendered impotent.

    >> . . . in fact synonomous with the post-"rap"ture 1000 year reign of Christ, is, most likely, the result of imperfect christological theological speculation and the ingestation of even less perfect though inexpensive "lite" beer.<<

    Huh? If it wasn't for the word "beer" that whole sentence would have been totally lost on me.

    Mr. S

  11. It looks great Pat. I hope we get to see a picture of it on the bike too.

    The first rack is always the hardest and full of useful learning.

    I like your C-clamp hack too.

  12. Thanks, Alex. Yeah, pretty steep learning curve on the first rack, but loads of fun (pun intended).

    Verdict is out on the c-clamps, time will tell.
