Thursday, February 25, 2010

Barely Surviving

I'm on the road again and it's hell. Always having to get by with makeshift krap. Don't believe me? Check this out . . .

My damn mouse wouldn't work on the glass tabletop. I had to search and search and search my hotel room for something with the proper texture to simulate a mouse pad. Finally I came up with the back cover of a magazine (I tried and tried and tried to use the front cover, but things just weren't "clicking").

I'm not saying that all my troubles are in the past, but my mouse does seem super responsive now.


  1. Instead of a lame, shortened "lol" your post deserved the full deal.

    I'm truly laughing out loud.

  2. Looks like your mouse pad is enjoying the mouse

  3. Off topic, but I wonder why the call it a "mouse" when it moves more like a pussycat.
