Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rackufacture: Home-Made Tube Bender

I've been not real satisfied with the quality of my larger diameter 3/8" tubing bends. So 2 or 4 weeks ago, I can't really remember, I scraped together some parts and a loose plan. The rough idea was to try and use v-belt-type pulleys as bending dies and build a bender that would accommodate multiple pulleys so that I could do a variety of bend radii. At that point I was pretty sure I had no idea what I was doing and that the whole thing would be a colossal waste of time and money. But I've never been one to let practicality stand in my way, so I forged ahead.

I've been goofing with it, little by little, in my spare time. Here's the basic frame, that's intended to be clamped into a bench vise . . .

Here's the bending handle . . .

So long story short, I was able to put some time into the project this weekend and I finished it tonight and faced the moment of truth. For the record, I didn't really expect it to work. Reason being, I bought die-cast zinc pulleys. I was pretty sure that the bending pressure would bust the flanges off. But stronger pulleys are harder to find and way more expensive, so it made sense to start with the cheap ones, figure out if they would hold up, and go from there. Thing is, if they work, I can tool up for a variety of bend radii for not a lot of bucks.

Here's a series of pictures that I hope is fairly self-explanatory. If not, just holler.

I'll be damned. The equipment held up and the bend came out looking pretty good. It's a little assymetrical, not so much that you could tell with the naked eye. Most importantly, the flat spots at the start of the bend are gone. Pretty sure I can live with this. Wow. I actually built something that works. Far out.

Scary thing is, now that I have a tiny bit of confidence, I'll be putting together all kinds of crazy shit.


  1. Dude. I love you. Seriously. You've made real exactly the thing I've been daydreaming about for the past several months. Thank you for letting me know my brain's mostly on the right and true path!

  2. Jim, that's cool. I've been kicking this idea around in my head for a while too. I'm glad it worked out.

  3. Well done, Pat. It looks like you know what you're doing. Scary.

  4. That looks great. What kind of pulleys did you use? I've been trying to figure out which ones to order but I know nothing of pulleys and other things automotive.

  5. FBC, you're telling me.

    Jim, I bought the larger pulleys at Mcmaster-Carr . . .

    The pulley cross-section (size) that fits a 3/8" tube best is the "3L" section. You can look at the different sections here . . .

    Part # for the 3-1/2" pulley is 6245K117.

    Part # for the 4" pulley (this is the one shown in the photos) is 6245K118.

    For the small pulley on the handle I ordered a part # 3117T6, but it didn't match the od of the tube at all, so I couldn't use it - don't order one of those. I ended up finding one that worked at a local Ace Hardware.

    I looked but wasn't able to find any 3L pulleys anywhere in town - they don't seem to be a very common size.

    Also, it seems when you're searching the web, there are lots of pulleys advertised as working for either 4L or 3L belts. I think the cross-section for one of these combination pulleys would be too deep to work as a die for 3/8" tubing, so I would stay away from these. (Haven't ordered one, so I could be wrong, but that's my assumption.)

  6. Your information about "Rackufacture: Home-Made Tube Bender". Its really very innovative idea for Tube Bending work.

  7. Love to read it,Waiting For More new Update and I Already Read your Recent Post its Great Thanks.


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  10. Sergio Hudson - the fashion designer who makes us wonder if we should just give up and wear sweatpants for the rest of our lives. Because let's face it, his designs are so chic and elegant, it's like they were made for the red carpet.

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