Sunday, September 19, 2010

Man's Best Friend?

Maybe, but not this man's, on this particular day.

"I'm so sweet. Love me . . ."

If you buy the act, you are a fool. Major con artist. Her passive-agressive true colors . . .

Our relationship has experienced some stress over the last couple of days. We've both crossed the line. Maybe she would say that I pushed and she merely pushed back. Whatever. The emotion has subsided and we're both at the stage of wanting to deal with it and move on. Forgiveness and healing are in order.


  1. Hmm, excellent idea. I've seen spring/cable dog-walking thingies that clamp to the seat post. The spring is stiff to help absorb any darting/pulling of the dog. Here is one:

    I simply use an eight-foot leash with a second buckle that connects around my waist. Works great, but steep learning curve. There was some paw pinching before Mika learned to avoid the front wheel. Much more stable with the dog attached to me, rather than the bike.

  2. :-(
    I thought that would likely happen.

    Such a cool idea though! Maybe you can rig something up with metal parts and maybe some coil springs?

  3. Maybe she saw a landshark and panicked.

  4. Well guys, I made a coupla bad assumptions. First being that my dog would be cool about this. Second being that fishing poles have a moderate amount of strength. Way wrong in both cases.

    Schrauf, the commercial units make all kinds of sense, but I'm afraid I'm committed to spending 4 times the amount of money to put together something that works 1/2 as well. Stubborn bastard of a master that I am.

  5. Spare the rod and spoil the dog.

    That's my advice. Give her a treat and walk her.

  6. That fishin' rod lasted one post longer than I anticipated!

  7. Apparently I'm the only one in the room who doesn't understand that you can't tow your dog around on your bike with a fishing pole. And I'm still not sure I'm ready to accept this as fact.
