Monday, September 10, 2012

Canon Totally Rules

My S95 came home today. Vik talked about the great service that he'd received from Canon in the past, but they still blew away my expectations. They picked up the tab for the repair, since it was still under warranty (8 months into a 12 month warranty) and 2nd day shipping, to boot. No questions asked. The only thing I had to spring for was shipping to get it there. It arrived at their service center last Tuesday and since I received it today, that means it was sent out Thursday, so a 2-day turnaround. Bitchin.

The timing of its hiccup couldn't have been worse - right before our vacation trip.  But we got by fine with our DSLR and our iPhone cams. Still, I missed it mightily and was super-happy to get it back. I threw a leg over my bike and headed to the bluff to try and catch the awesome red fireball that was our setting sun this evening, due to all wind-whipped dust in the air, but I was too late and whiffed.  So Brandy was once again my subject, second day in a row. She's starting to dig the rock star deal and also feeling better, as you can see.

I was already a Canon guy. I'm now even more of a one.


  1. Good job, Canon :)

    I took my Canon PowerShot A610 on a club ride previewing the Liberty road-race course, and accidentally dropped it while riding about 22mph. On chipseal. This reads like a murder scenario in Clue...

    Anyway, it's got grind marks, a bent and dented shell, and a sticky zoom paddle, but it STILL WORKS. I know there's some other good brands out there, but I'm a Canon fan now.

  2. I need to send mine in. Dropped when a moose charged. The positive report is the just the motivation I needed.

  3. bikewrider,
    When you fill out your repair form, you gotta include "Dropped when a moose charged." That's awesome.

  4. Also, a note about holding on to the camera with gloves and such. I bought this for my S90:

    It’s machined and fits super well on the camera. Looks totally OEM. Fits the s95 as well. Anyone with either of these cameras should get this as it really adds to the usability of it. It makes the camera super comfortable to hold one-handed. Once installed, you cannot really tell that it was a 3rd-party add-on.

    Go buy it. Now.

    (No, I don’t work for them. I’m not being paid by them, etc.)

  5. Jon, that's badass. Yeah, this camera is a slippery sucker. Thanks. I'm all over it.

  6. Anybody know if it is worth trying to see if Canon will repair a nearly new Powershot A1200 that inadvertently went swimming? Until I read Pat's posts, I thought I was definitely SOL. Now, I'm not so sure.

    I bought the A1200 to replace my Canon Digital Elph SD100, which is still snapping 3.2 megapixels shots after more than ten years of rough duty.

  7. Andy,
    Pretty sure they won't warranty a submersion, but you should give them a call and see what they have to say. 1-800-652-2666
