Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jay. And Bagging The 24 Hr Course.

This is Jay:

Super-narrow bars, for fitting in between trees.  From the school of hard knocks.

He's new in town and contacted me through my blog, wondering if maybe I'd be up for showing him around Riverside. That's a little like umm, a lot like umm, exactly like the blind leading the blind. But whateva. It took a while for our schedules to coincide, but today was the day.

He's a cool and interesting dude who has ridden lots of miles and who buys a bike and then rides it forever.  The "just shut up and ride" kind of thing.  Sweet.  More of us should probably adopt his philosophy.

He works at Holy Family Hospital and lives a few miles south of there and plans to commute year around on an '87 Trek 520.  (Did I mention he rides his bikes forever.) If you see him, be sure to say hey and welcome him to Spo.  He's also quite fit and kicked my ass up all the hills, so I think I'll quit talking about him now.

Oh. Did I also mention that we bagged the 24 hour course at Riverside?  It took less help from the gps this time, but still a little.  If the weather holds, I'd like to get a coupla more laps on it this fall, at which point I will pretty much know it.  That would leave next spring for learning a little something about how to ride it, in advance of the 24 Hr Race.  The Master Plan is well intact, then.

Oh Oh, and btw:  I owned Devil's Down on this day. Yay.


  1. Pat, thanks for the sunny ride this afternoon. It was a great intro to Riverside and I'd be happy to help with the Master Plan any time... Jay

  2. Great to meet you, Jay. Hope you find lots of riding to your liking here.

  3. If you dont mind going slower than normal I can take you around the course. I know it fairly well lol
