Sunday, February 24, 2013

Movie Review

I hate TV and I can't stand theaters.  But I keep banging my head against the wall, for you.  And every once in a while, something amazing pops, and this blog becomes the go-to place for what to watch.  Well, okay, maybe this is the first time it has ever happened. But without the first, would there ever be a second?  I think you've already answered the question.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

The title is "Your Sister's Sister".

The 26InchSlicks rating is RAD+++

And it's available in those red boxes, for the time being.

The location of the filming (boy, does that ever make me sound stupid) is Washington's left coast, so there's that. But this is not really important, just a hook for us semi-locals.

The dialogue and theme and storyline are just freaking amazing. But especially the dialogue. Trust this idiot, and just watch it.

Here are some rare bike scenes.  Which are not relevant, at all.  Just watch it.


  1. trailer on redbox seemed pretty good, and loads of bike scenes on the trailer FWIW. Thanks for the tip

  2. Yeah, it's not about bikes at all, it's an adult relationship movie. Quite adult. If you let your kids watch it, be prepared to spend a lot of time explaining hard-to-explain things.

    That said, they definitely leveraged the bike scenes to help sell the movie. And there's a great, final bike scene where the main character can't get his chain to engage because his drivetrain is all screwed up and he gets so frustrated that he destroys the bike in an alley. We've all been there.

  3. Northleft Beer CoasterFebruary 25, 2013 at 7:46 AM

    Definitely been there. Especially the getting a lesbian pregnant in a posh cabin in the San Juans which inexplicably freaks out her sister part. Spoiler alert.

    Bonus: All Mark Duplass movies have their plots advanced by a bottle of Scotch.

    The Scotch may explain why he found such extensive biking challenges on an island that boasts a two-hour circuit at most. It's like a kid running away from home to the basement.

    He also has the ultimate bromance film set in Seattle, Humpday. Spoiler!

    Great actor, fun movies.
