Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day Three Report Stall

This post is an apology, an olive branch. To be clear.  I've gotten the message, and I  totally appreciate, that people want me to continue with the story in a timely fashion and I want to continue the story in a timely fashion.

It's just that the quality of the telling of the story is important to me.  Because it's a really good story.  And even though I am not an artist, and even though I have no integrity, I am evoking the artistic integrity excuse.  Just deal with it.

The thing is, these posts take my inefficent, slow, ass a long time to put together, and the photos from Day 3 are really great, and the story is really great and I don't want to not show and tell it the right way.  And when my day is so slammed that I can't even get started until after ten, it just doesn't compute.  (End of sad song. Feel free to play me a tune on the world's smallest violin.)

In straight talk, though, I'll get to it when I get to it.  But here are a couple my favorite pics from the day, maybe from the whole trip, to hold your rabid asses at bay.  If even for just a day.


  1. Take your time, Pat. It's an awesome story worth waiting for.

  2. Hong was it between Star Wars films? You're quick-- like a bunny -- or a rattler...

  3. Apparently I'm the queen of shorthand.


  4. It's so damn good we want MOAR... but not at the expense of your impeccable quality of course. :)

    .... or I could just link to a loop of whip-cracking sounds... :P

  5. Hank, thanks.

    Stine, I've adopted and used 'hong' three times today already.
    1. "Hong til lunchtime?
    2. "Hong til quitting time?"
    3. "Hong'm I gonna have to listen to this dude ramble on?"
    I'm actually looking for ways to use it now. Rad word.

    Meg, love it. Who doesn't want MOAR?

    Bryan, yeah.

  6. Great story so far. No rush on the telling. Do it when you are good and ready!

  7. I agree, "hong" is an excellent word that should enter our everyday lexicon.
    Hong I gotta sit at this desk until I can get outside on such a beautiful day?!?
    BTW my Beer Fairy skilz are going to be employed yet again tonight... picking up a couple guys who are headed over the ridge w/ chainsaws to clear some trail, saving them the return trip by shuttling them back after work. Can't do that without some food offerings and beer on ice for their trouble. :D

  8. Great stuff Pat! My wife had to check on me during a laughing attack that led to coughing! Take your time bro. I've been real busy and just now got caught up on it (your blog). I'm going straight out to the shop, grabbing a PBR and drinking a (another) toast to all of you. I'm sure we have many great memories yet ahead of us, but I will NEVER forget this trip! Cheers!
