Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Moving Day

A few days ago, I blogged about my new commuting plan. Between daily obligations, my thoughts and plans have pretty much consumed me, and I've been feverishly working toward the launch. Today was red-letter, because I was able to "move in" to my new bike condo.

But before I could move in, I needed a bike to move in with. I decided that the bike for the job was an old fixie that I had hacked together a few years back. I had since disassemled it, due to the fact that my sad old knees can't tolerate the mashing associatied with fixed gear riding on the south hill. But to my credit, I hung onto it, and I'm thinking it will be perfect for the flat ride between Mirabeau and work. With the proper tweaks, of course. Here are the parts I drug out of the attic.

Any fixie looks best without fenders, but I gotta have 'em, in this case. So I was able to find some yellow Planet Bike fenders that at least have a modicum of flair. Then I hacked the ends off of a used pair of road bars that the fine folks at Wheel Sport South, my true local bike shop, hooked me up with for $6. I spent twice that on the bar tape necessary to tie the frame and fender colors together. The front basket is okay for now, but John Speare and his buddy Alex have really got me jonesin' for a porteur-style rack. Not quite sure when or how that will happen, but I'm working on it in the deep recesses. Anyway, here's what I've come up with.

The pedals were tough. I rumaged through my parts boxes and tried everything I had, but nothing was working for me. I really didn't want to go clipless, 'cause immediately before and after work is freedom time, and I don't really need the rules of having to wear certain shoes. Toe clips would be okay, except they also don't work for a wide variety of shoe styles. So platforms it is. Only problem is that all the platforms I own look like krap on this bike. The fine folks at my favorite LBS, North Division Bike Shop, hooked me up with these clear plastic BMX pedals. I'm extremely pleased.

Her she sits, in her new home-away-from-home.

I'm gonna love spending part of my bike time aboard a fixed gear again.

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