Monday, June 16, 2008

Mt. Spokane

According to the S-R today:

Mount Spokane road construction – Starting Monday, Mount Spokane Park Drive, the main park access road, will be closed just inside the park boundary at the first trailhead and restroom area. The closure will run Monday through Thursday for a few weeks while contractors do preliminary road-widening work. Around the first week of July, crews will close the road to most public access seven days a week. Restricted access will be allowed on the hour for people who live in mountain condominiums, resort workers, authorized volunteer groups and people who have made reservations to stay at the Quartz Mountain lookout, said Steve Christensen, state park manager. "Otherwise, the only way to get into the park will be to hike or mountain bike," he said. "The road to the summit won't be open at all during the summer," he said. "The general public will not be allowed to drive in and park after the main road is closed." Hikers can drive past park headquarters, park at the trailhead and hike up Trail 110 for what would be one of the best hiking seasons in years in terms of park solitude. Mountain bikers also can ride up Trail 110 from the park entrance area, but Christensen suggested they access the park at the park boundary on Day-Mount Spokane Road. "The road grade is a lot more gentle than the steep grade on the trail," he said. "But some culverts have washed out." People who applied on March 1 for overnight camping reservations at the Quartz Mountain lookout were not deterred by the construction inconvenience or the potential of noise from trucks hauling rock from the quarry near the lookout. "When they called to make reservations, we warned them that it could be noisy even in the middle of the night at times, and we still filled all the summer reservations in about four hours," he said.

Trail map link:

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