Saturday, August 2, 2008

Mental Health Professionals

You already know how I feel about Fridays. Text messages don't get any better than the one I got from Mike on Friday afternoon:

"A beer, downtown, ride bikes, tonight. Anyone in?"

I guess I can text pretty fast, after all. "Me."

Bikes, beer, downtown. Sounds like a prescription for alleviating a week's worth of stress. Here are the mental health experts who administered that prescription.

(Alan's always so serious ;-)

Hard to believe that in the short distance between Mootsy's and the Viking, it went from this . . .

to this . . .

I thought everybody loved bloggers.

Despite the animosity, we got a lot of stuff figured out before the pitchers ran dry. Titanium cassettes (cycling technical). How to ride a cyclocross course like an angel (cycling not-so-technical). Crotch pockets. Or are they vents? Or both? (cycling fashion).

Oh yeah, almost forgot. To the chick at the bus plaza who yelled at us, "F#%$ you and your flashing lights":

Yes, we have blinkies. And jobs. And we ride by the plaza, not live there. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.

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