Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Proof That Big Kids Love Bikes

Coupla weeks ago, we had our annual family reunion at Loon Lake. Four generations gather there - it's the only time all year that we're all together in one place at the same time, so it's pretty special. My parents bought the place in '67, having only seen it at night, under the realtor's threat that some Californians were on their way up to look at it the next day. Heh, heh, some things never change. It was one of the most adventurous, impetuous things they have ever done, and believe me, there's strong competition from a multitude of their other episodes. My folks have always lived large. It also turned out to be one of the greatest things they ever did.

Patty and I had our standard conversation, as we were getting ready to head out:

Me: "Wanna take our bikes?"
Her: "Naw, bikes are too exclusive. This is about hanging with the fam."
Me: "Yeah, you're right."

And then we normally leave the bikes and head out. Which is totally cool.

Except that this time, I was bored with my role and formulated a different response:

Me: "Wanna take our bikes?"
Her: "Naw, bikes are too exclusive. This is about hanging with the fam."
Me: "Well then, let's make them inclusive."

That was a weird comment that pretty much stopped the conversation dead in it's tracks. Patty stared at me with her half-bewildered, half-annoyed look as I headed out to the shop. Five minutes later, I was back with my sign, and I got it approved without a lot of trouble. So along with way too much other krap, I loaded the bikes and the sign. When we got to the lake, my first order of business was was to hang the sign and stage the bikes:

I honestly thought they might sit there all weekend. And that would have been fine with me, because I really had no expectations and besides, Patty is spot on, the weekend is so about hanging with the fam.

But I was delighted to find that my family was drawn to the bikes like moths to a porch light. First out was my nephew Eli (the punk), who's parents apparently never taught him the concept of respecting his elders, as he dropped me about every way that an elder can be dropped. He will get old someday and get his just rewards. I will be dead by then, but I will be laughing from my grave.

Pathetic camera work on my part, but check out that backdrop. Adam (nephew) and wife, Amy, proud parents of irresistable, center-of-attention-just-about-to-be-toddler Wren.

My big bro Dan.

Sister Karen, and son Leo (brother of elder-disrespecter Eli).

Chris, father of elder-disrespecter Eli, and of course, Eli (who appeared on just about every ride). Probably dropped his own father on this ride.

Nephew Matt, who turned his ride into a railroad/trespass excursion that makes me feel like a pudding-sucking lightweight.

I'm thinkin' we'll take the bikes again next year. Mary, how 'bout a ride???


  1. What a great idea. And it worked out so well for everyone.

  2. That rules Pat. Over the last 5 years or so I've gotten just about everyone in my family on a bike. Whenever we meet up for this kind of stuff, there are bikes everywhere. I love it. Sounds like you might need to find a small fleet of old mountain bikes to leave up at the cabin...

  3. Sorry about the completely unintentional disrespect, I just thought maybe a little friendly/deadly serious inter-family competition would liven things up. You know?
    The Disrespecter
