Sunday, September 14, 2008


My work prevented us from taking a real vacation this summer, but Patty and I managed to sneak in the abbreviated version over the last coupla days. We were totally web-disconnected and when we got home, I was of course compelled to go online and catch up. I was gonna blog about some trivial vacation krap, but something much more significant hit me like a ton of bricks.

There's been a good email exchange going on among Spokane Rocket Velo members about what the weekly rides should be and who they should serve. I don't have any authorization to copy this, so I'm going on the premise that it's better to beg forgiveness than ask permission. It's profound, and reminds me what we're supposed to be about, as cyclists. It's an email from one of our members:

"This is a good discussion and I just gotta chime in. Here's a story: Almost 5 years ago a gal recovering from cancer/chemo treatments wandered into the North Division Bicycle shop seeking a new bike and a motivator to get back into shape despite being bald, thin and totally out of shape after 6 rounds of injecting toxins into her body. She was told about some riding options including the Spokane Rocket Velo club. Being apprehensive and having never ridden with a group she decided to give it try. First ride of the season started at the shop went up Old Argonne, Morgan, Forker... you know the route. About 15 miles going up Old Argonne she fell off the back. A few of the faster riders doubled back to provide encouragement and to tell her this is a 'group ride and nobody gets dropped'. She tried to tell them it was okay to go ahead, she knew the route and the faster riders insisted that nobody would be left behind, after all why wait for a gal two months post chemo. They waited and encouraged because they cared, and they were unselfish in encouraging others to seek and enjoy their passion. Almost 5 years later that gal is totally passionate about cycling including racing, recreational riding and everything in between. Had it not been for the encouragement of the SRV club back then it is hard say if that gal would have developed the passion for the sport. I am sure you know or have guessed that gal is ME."

By the way, this was written by this year's SRV female racer of the year.