I did some research and as it turns out, the parks does close at 11:00. All you have to do is read the fine print. So I'm an idiot. (Big, unexpected revelation.) The security guy is still a douche, though, just to be clear. (Click the pic if your life is so sad that you actually wanna read it.)
While we're on the subject, it seems that I habitually violate Rule 2, Part A, although I conform on Part B. I don't want to get into Rule 3. As a matter of fact, this thing is scaring the shit outta me and I don't wanna go any further. But I am curious to know if you can potentially go to jail for a misdemeanor. (Rules 6, 7 and 17-A, could put me away for life.)
Lame Excuse:
Except for a coupla super-short neighborhood trips, I haven't been on a bike for 2 weeks. Super lame, I know.
But as part of our weird transitional housing phase (that is apparantly destined to drag on for years), we tore down our old garage and built a new garage and it has been a full year since I've had anything that resembles a shop and I need one so the last coupla weeks has been a full-on, burning-the-midnight-oil-and-candle-at-both-ends push to put something together because winter is bearing down and I have some bike projects that gotta get done.
Finally, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.