Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Destination: Webb's Slough

Bike campin' season seems far off at the moment, but it's really just a coupla warmish weeks away. Bike camping adventures are just the best times, best memories ever, IMO. Thinking about the next season's trips became a winter pastime last year which, I guess, makes it a tradition this year.

A trip that I hair-brained last year came up in conversation at the hang tonight. I really hope to make it a reality in '11.

The basic deal is this:  A nutso couple, Matt and Amanda Webb, down in St Johns, plowed under their field and dug some canals and filled them up with water, all Field Of Dreams-like, a coupla years ago.  In this case, the "they" part of the 'build it and they will come' equation is sprint boat racers.  Yep, these insane mothers . . .

So we now have a very legit and raucous sprint boat event a mere 50 bikable miles to the south.  But wait, there's more.

Just a few miles from St John is Rock Lake.  And if you drink just enough but not too much beer at the races, the ride from Webb's Slough to the lake could be quite enjoyable.  Once there, what's not to like about camping overnight on these shores.  You picked up a loaf of Wonder bread, some Oscar Mayer baloney and a small French's mustard at the mini-mart before you left St John, so party's on.

Scoot back into Spo the next morning like nothing ever happened.  What happened at the lake stays at the lake.  I'm not sure you could do this in 24 hours and still make the races.  Might have to be an S28O.  Probably owe ourselves a breakfast stop in Cheney.  S29O then.  So be it.

At this point, you're either with me or against me.  I hope to not have to enjoy this all by myself, but I will if need be.  If staying warm at night is your only concern, I hear the rattlesnakes like to sneak in and snuggle up, so don't worry about that.  This year's race dates are June 18th  &  August 27th. You don't have to commit right now.  Just think about it.


Hank Greer said...

That's a cool idea, Pat. Is this all road or is there gravel and dirt involved?

Pat S said...

Hank, it could be all pavement, but there's lots of ways to mix some dirt in, which would be my preference.

Alan said...

Your opening reminded me of the Simpsons, "And it wasn't long before this yearly custom became an annual

Scott Loveless said...

That last paragraph is some righteous double-dog daring, which is completely appropriate for shaming your friends into coming along. Good show.

Justino said...

Yes, please.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm in. If you don't mind riding gravel for a few miles, I know a bad ass spot to camp at Rock Lake along the John Wayne Pioneer Trail.

Mike Sirott said...

Not sure why I can't figure out google, but "Spokane Rocket Velo" was actually me. Yeah it's on.

Pat S said...

Alan, that's fine. As long as I don't remind you of Homer.

Scott, exactly. If you're not going to double-dog-dare once in a while, what's the point of having a blog in the first place?

Justin and Mike: Game on, then.

Anonymous said...

Do they have tallboys? If so, I'm in. Wade

Andre said...

Pat, I've bumped into the time constraint that S24O presents as well. I have no internet clout to make it stick but at times I have used SON to abbreviate "Single OverNight"

Pat S said...

Wade, your hydration needs will surely be met.

Andre, I like it. Webb's Slough SON it is.

Mike Sirott said...

No offense Pat, but I'm not so sure your photo is of Rock Lake. Here are two photos I took from the my proposed campsite, last summer: http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/199848_10150115683884855_532339854_6262481_2435050_n.jpg


Mike Sirott said...

God damnit, the links didn't post right....

Pat S said...

You're right, Mike. After doing a little checking, it looks like my picture was Lake Roosevelt. Thanks for the pictures of the "real" Rock Lake. Very cool stuff.